Service Available in: English Language
Early Psychosis Intervention (EPI)
Also serving rural communities.more info
Eating Disorders
Also serving rural communities.more info
Elderly Services - 100 Mile House
Elderly Services - Williams Lake
Provides service to clients from Tatla Lake, Alexis Creek.more info
Elderly Services - Anahim Lake
Provides service to clients from Tatla Lake.more info
Facilitation of Dental Treatment for Children
Also provides service to rural communities.more info
Family Caregivers of BC
Provincial program to support family caregivers – family and friends - who are caring for adults because of disease, disability or aging. Central Interior patients and families can take advantage of the toll free Caregiver Support Line, a virtual Resource Center and Education via webinars. We offer 1-1 emotional support and assistance navigating the health system as part of the caregiver support program.more info
Family Caregivers Society of BC
Support, education and information to individuals who are caregivers of adult foamy members or friends who are in poor health, disabled or elderly. Services include one-to-one emotional support, referral and information, support groups, resource lending library, handouts, workshops and community presentation, newsletter, and access to Tyze personal networks. Published Resources Guide for Family Caregivers, 2nd edition and Educational Activities to Support Family Caregivers: Facilitator's Manual, Toolkit for Employers: Resources for Supporting Family Caregivers in the Workplace.more info
FASD Keyworker
The keyworker is a non-judgemental helper that will guide families through the assessment process and work with schools and other agencies within the community to ensure that needed supports are in place. The Keyworker will also work with individual children, youth and parents to learn about FASD and develop skills to be successful.more info
Feather Physiotherapy
Outpatient physiotherapy - focus on holistic health care. Thorough assessments, education, patient centred care, listening, goal setting, manual therapy, acupuncture, exercise plans and programs, ongoing pain education and management. No need for physician referral, but referrals welcome. more info