Service Available in: English Language
Physiotherapy HSCL/Other Special Populations
Serves Williams Lake and area communities.more info
Postpartum Follow-up Program - 100 Mile House
Home Visit and/or phone assessment. Also provides service in outreach capacity to area communities.more info
Postpartum Follow-up Program - Williams Lake
Home Visit and/or phone assessment. Also serves area communities.more info
Practice Support Program for GPs
Service to Kamloops and area.more info
Precious Cargo Consulting - Williams Lake
From Prenatal/Postpartum to Carseats and everything in between!
My business is to meet you where you are in a safe, non-judgemental, and holistic way.
Carseat safety information, carseat installation information and demonstration, hospital discharge carseat help, and group sessions available.
Doula Support/Labor Support:
I will have 2 meetings with you prior to your birth. I will be on call for 2 weeks leading up to your birth, I will be available to you for your labor when you feel I am needed. I am not there to replace your supports, I am there to enhance your supports in the delivery room. I will stay with you 2 hours after your birth to help with Breastfeeding and to help with anything that's needed. I will meet you a week after your birth and 1 more time if needed.
Postpartum Support:
Pacific Postpartum trained and Mother's Mental Health Toolkit Trained. Will help you and family with finding community resources concerning infant feeding, counselling, doctor support and mental health support. I will support you and your family with the transition into parenthood.
Postpartum Support Group:
You had a baby! Now what? meets the second Wednesday of every month at 6:30. We provide a safe space to discuss your Postpartum experience.
DONA trained Doula, Member of BC Doula Association and Doula Match.
Infant Massage Instructor.
To schedule an appointment or if you have any questions please call/text or email:
Krista 250-305-6213 or
more info
Pregnancy Options, Testing & Referrals - 100 Mile House
Service to 100 Mile House and outreach service provided to Clinton.more info
Pregnancy Options, Testing & Referrals - Williams Lake
Prenatal Classes (Universal) - Williams Lake
Serves Williams Lake and area communities.more info