Health (132) Low Income / Support (41) Social Services (12) Mental Health / Counselling (84) Substance Use / Addictions (27) Condition Specific Info / Support (65) Youth (7) First Nations (22) Family Life (40) Health Services (75) Abuse / Neglect (9) Education / Employment / Development (8)  
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Education / Employment / Development

Canadian Information Centre for International Credentials

Website has a comprehensive Directory of accredited public and private Canadian Universities, Colleges, Schools and other post secondary institutions.more info

Address / Contact Info
Web Links Website

College and University Guide

On-line Directory of Colleges and Universities in Canada and the United States.more info

Address / Contact Info
Web Links Website

Employment and Assistance Application

Eligibility for BC Employment and Assistance programs is based on your income and assets.more info

Address / Contact Info
BC Ministry of Social Development and Social Innovation
Web Links Website

Employment Program

Person’s with Disability Program: Funded by the Ministry of Housing & Social Development, sub-contracted through Horton Ventures Inc., this program provides employment counselling and support for individuals with permanent mental and/or physical disabilities that create barriers to employment (including volunteering and self-employment). Services are provided in Quesnel, 100 Mile House, Williams Lake and surrounding areas. Services include planning, training sponsorship, employment services, placements and ongoing support.more info

Address / Contact Info
Canadian Mental Health Association - Cariboo Chilcotin Branch, Co-op Building
, Williams Lake, BC, V2G 1J6
Main Office: (250) 398-8220
Fax: (250) 392-4456
Web Links Website Email

Ministry of Social Development & Social Innovation

Popular Topics - WorkBC, My Self Serve, Single Parent Employment Initiative, Accessibility2024, Cross-government disability services, Income assistance, Disability assistance, Employment and assistance cheque issue dates, Employment & assistance rates, Social innovation services, Employment Programs, Employment & Income Assistance, Services for peoples with disabilities, Navigation services for adults with developmental disabilities, Additional programs & services, including Bus Pass, Healthy Kids, & Seniors Supplementmore info

Address / Contact Info
Web Links Website

Opportunities Fund for Persons with Disabilities

The Opportunities Fund is a financial assistance program designed to assist persons with disabilities to complete training that leads to employment. Applicants to the Opps Fund must have no other financial means of support to access further training.more info

Address / Contact Info
Web Links Website

WorkBC 100 Mile House

Getting the people of the interior back to work. We help you find employment in 100 Mile House.more info

Address / Contact Info
808 Alpine Avenue
, 100 Mile House, BC, V0K 2E1
WorkBC 100 Mile House: (250) 395-5121
Horton Ventures Inc. : (250) 395-8456
Web Links Website Email

WorkBC Williams Lake

Getting the people of the Interior back to work. We help you find employment in Williams Lake.more info

Address / Contact Info
281 First Avenue North
, Williams Lake, BC, V2G 1Y7
WorkBC Williams Lake: (250) 398-5133
Horton Ventures Inc.: (250) 395-8456
Toll-free (TTY): 1-866-392-3189
Web Links Website Email
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