First Nations - Accessibility Features: Wheelchair Accessible
Aboriginal Infant Development Program
Will deliver individual appropriate services to Aboriginal infants, young children and their families. This is a family centred, home-based program and works in partnership with parents/caregivers to develop useful strategies to promote child development.more info
Aboriginal Supported Child Development
To support the inclusion of Aboriginal children with special needs who require additional support in Child Care settings chosen by their families.more info
Cariboo Chilcotin Aboriginal Training Employment Centre (CCATEC)
Responding to the training needs of First Nations Communities in the Cariboo Chilcotin. The Cariboo Chilcotin Aboriginal Training Employment Centre strives to build a healthy future by supporting holistic, culturally appropriate programming and services for our members to secure meaningful employment, and to become economically self-sufficient.more info
First Nations Health Authority, Community Health Nursing
We provide community public health programs to First Nations people living in three Tsilhqot'in communities; Tl'etinqox (Anaham), Yunesitin (Stone) and Tl'esqox(Toosey). These programs include but not limited to maternal child health, school health, communicable disease prevention, immunizations, HIV/AIDS screening and education, case management, workshops, well women/men's health, support visiting professionals( doctor, dentist, physiotherapist, optometrist and counsellors and liaising with other agencies.more info
Three Corner's Health Services Society
Communitymore info
Tl'esqox - Toosey Health Centre
Toosey community members have access to a nurse practitioner, health director, community health nurse, home care nurse and mental health clinician at the health centre. Please contact the office for more information to access these services. Toosey is located 50 kilometres from Williams Lake. Patients see physicians in Williams Lake.more info
Tsilhqot'in Health Hub Mental Health Navigator
The Tsilhqot'in Health Hub was formed in 2010 to bring communities within the Tsilhqot'in Nation together to communicate, collaborate and plan for improved health care to its members.more info
White Feather Family Centre - Tsq'escenemc (Canim Lake)
The health department is responsible for the overall well being and health of all community members.more info
Xeni Gwet'in (Nemiah Valley) Health Centre
Xeni Gwet'in (Nemiah Valley) community members have access to a nurse practitioner, health director, community health nurse, home care nurse and mental health clinician. Please contact the office for more information to access these services.more info
Yunesit'in (Stone) Health Centre
Yunesit'in community members have access to a physician, nurse practitioner, health director, community health nurse, home care nurse and mental health clinician at the health centre. Please contact the office for more information to access these services.more info