Health (131) Low Income / Support (41) Social Services (12) Mental Health / Counselling (84) Substance Use / Addictions (27) Condition Specific Info / Support (65) Youth (7) First Nations (22) Family Life (40) Health Services (75) Abuse / Neglect (9) Education / Employment / Development (8)  
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Abuse / Neglect - Advocacy / Legal - Referral Protocol: Self

Community Based Victim Services

Provides Justice related services to victims of family and sexual violence including: Adult victims of violence in relationship: Sexual harassment Criminal Harassment (stalking) Survivors of childhood physical and sexual abuse Child and youth victims of physical and sexual abuse Provide services to persons who may or may not of reported an offence to the RCMP. Some of these services I provide may include: Information and referrals to community professionals (i.e., Income Assistance; Counseling Services; Axis Center Outreach Worker; child care worker via CDC) Information on Basic Court process; Court accompaniment; Court orientation; witness orientation Liaison with RCMP; Crown Counsel and Probation Officer Short-term emotional support Assistance completing the Victim Impact Statements and assistance for applying for Crime Victim Assistance Information on Victim of Crime Act and basic victim rights Information about bail conditions; probation orders; parole and other court orders Education on the cycle of violence, indicators of violence, safety planning for individuals and children. Residential Silent Alarm and Cell Phone Program to assist persons at risk – it is mandatory if a police report has been filed with the RCMP.more info

Address / Contact Info
Canadian Mental Health Association - Cariboo Chilcotin Branch, Co-op Building
51 4th Ave South
, Williams Lake, BC, V2G 1J6
Main Office: (250) 398-8220
Fax: (250) 392-4456
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