Mental Health / Counselling
Intake - 100 Mile House
Intake - Williams Lake
Provides service to clients from Tatla Lake, Alexis Creek.more info
Intake - Anahim Lake
Provides service to clients from Tatla Lake.more info
Internet Mental Health
Internet Mental Health is a free encyclopedia of mental health information created by a Canadian psychiatrist, Dr. Phillip Long. The idea of creating Internet Mental Health resulted from a Canada-Japan Mental Health Exchange in 1994 arranged by Mr. Mikio Kuraki. During that exchange, Robert Winram and Dr. Phillip Long visited Japanese psychiatric hospitals and lived for one week with psychiatric patients as guests in their homes.more info
Involve Counselling & Consulting
Kids Help Phone
Our free and anonymous service supports young people as they build the skills and abilities they’ll need to improve their emotional health and well-beingmore info
Mental Health & Addiction Emergency Service / Urgent Response - 100 Mile House
Mental Health & Addiction Emergency Service / Urgent Response - Williams Lake
Provides service to clients from Tatla Lake, Alexis Creekmore info
Mental Health & Addiction Emergency Service / Urgent Response - Anahim Lake
Provides service to clients from Tatla Lakemore info
Mental Health & Addiction Emergency Service / Urgent Response - Williams Lake
Provides targeted support for individuals living with mental health and substance use disorders.more info