Income Assistance - Hardship Assistance

Time limited, generally repayable, assistance available to those who are not eligible for income assistance due to a variety of circumstances and who have proven that all other funding sources have been exhausted.

May include those awaiting Employment Insurance benefits, involved in strikes or lockouts, families with dependent children, applicants over 65 and persons with disabilities who have assets in excess of specified exemption levels, or persons awaiting other income.

For more information about Harship Allocance go to the website. For general information about Income Assistance go to . and for information on the application process go to:

A Ministry of Social Development and Social Innovation program.

Address / Contact Info

BC Employment and Income Assistance Services

Phone Numbers

Toll-free: 1-866-866-0800

Web Links


Other Programs from This Organization

Income Assistance - Immediate Needs Process The 3 week waiting period before getting an appointment to apply for income assistance may be waived under certain circumstances that would cause the person, or the person's family, undue hardship.
Income Assistance - Persistent Multiple Barriers to Employment: (PPMB) Available to individuals who have received income assistance for 12 of the last 15 months and have severe multiple barriers to employment and meet other criteria.
Income Assistance - Persons with Disabilities Available to eligible persons with serious, long-term mental or physical disabilities who are not expected to gain complete financial independence through employment.
Income Assistance - Regular Regular, temporary income assistance is available to persons who, for a variety of reasons, are unemployed and have few financial resources, but who are capable of eventual financial independence through employment.
Special Transportation Subsidy Provided to recipients of disability assistance who live in areas where the Bus Pass program is available, but are unable to use public transportation due to their disability or because it would make their disability worse.
Supplementary Assistance A variety of supplementary benefits and supports are available depending on category of income assistance being received.

This program was last updated on: 24 Apr 2015.