Community Volunteer Income Tax Program

An outreach service, sponsored by the Canada Revenue Agency, that provides trained volunteers to prepare basic income tax returns for low income individuals unable to do so themselves  The program is generally available each year in March and April and helps low income individuals to file for benefits they otherwise would not receive.

There is no charge for this service.

Volunteers have experience in preparing basic tax returns. In addition, a one day training session is provided each year so volunteers are aware of the latest tax changes.

Those being assisted by the volunteer program need to meet four criteria:

  • Inability to complete their own returns
  • Inability to pay for assistance to complete forms
  • Net Income of less than $30,00 for an individual or $40,000 for a couple
  • Have a simple tax return.

The service is available in most communities in the region. Information about schedules and locations can usually be obtained from a local Community Services agency or Seniors' Centre by late February of each year.  Please note that the website lists contact information for a few communities in the KB region, but is by no means comprehensive.

Web Links

This program was last updated on: 01 Feb 2017.