Mental Health Services Supported Housing Program

A partnership between BC Housing and the Interior Health Authority.

The supported housing program enables persons with a severe and persistent mental illness to live independently in affordable, self-contained housing.

Staff from a local Mental Health and Substance Use office select participants and refer to the program.

Mental Health and Substance Use offices are listed in Section 5 of the Directory or call

  • Arrow and Slocan Lakes (Nakusp): 250-265-5253
  • Boundary (Grand Forks): 250-442-0330
  • Castlegar: 250-304-1846
  • Nelson: 250-505-7248
  • Trail: 250-364-6262

Other Programs from This Organization

Mental Health Services Supported Housing Program A partnership between BC Housing and the Interior Health Authority.

This program was last updated on: 30 Mar 2014.