Health (132) Low Income / Support (41) Social Services (12) Mental Health / Counselling (84) Substance Use / Addictions (27) Condition Specific Info / Support (65) Youth (7) First Nations (22) Family Life (40) Health Services (75) Abuse / Neglect (9) Education / Employment / Development (8)  
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Substance Use / Addictions

Program NameCity
Al-Anon Ottawa
Alcohol and Drug Information and Referral Service
Alcoholics Anonymous
BC Alcohol & Drug Info & Referral Line
BC Drug and Information Centre Vancouver
BC Smoking Cessation Program
Community Withdrawal Management 100 Mile House
Community Withdrawal Management Kamloops
Detox Center/ Renner House Williams Lake
Gateway Step up/Step down Williams Lake
Harm Reduction Supplies Distribution 100 Mile House
Harm Reduction Supplies Distribution Williams Lake
Narcotics Anonymous Williams Lake Williams Lake
Nenqayni Wellness Centre Williams Lake
Residential Substance Use Treatment Programs in BC
Salvation Army Counselling and Addictions Williams Lake
Substance Use - Adult Outpatient Services Anahim Lake
Substance Use - Adult Outpatient Services
Substance Use - Adult Outpatient Services Williams Lake
Substance Use - Adult Outpatient Services 100 Mile House
Substance Use - Youth and Family Services Anahim Lake
Substance Use - Youth and Family Services Williams Lake
Substance Use - Youth and Family Services Williams Lake
Substance Use - Youth and Family Services 100 Mile House
Tobacco Dependence / Smoking Cessation Services
Tobacco Dependence / Smoking Cessation Services Williams Lake
Tobacco Prevention Information