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Condition Specific Info / Support - Acquired Brain Injury

Acquired Brain Injury Program

Working with clients who have an Acquired Brain Injury. Supporting them through home and office visits. Help with daily living.more info

Address / Contact Info
Canadian Mental Health Association - South Cariboo Branch, CMHA
555 B South Cedar Ave.
, 100 Mile House , BC, V0K 2E1
CMHA: (250) 395-4883
Phone: (250) 945-9515
Fax: (250) 395-1183

BC Brain Injury Association

Brainstreams uses a broad definition of ABI, and created a user-friendly list intended to support patients and families struggling with traumatic brain injury, tumour, concussion and stroke. The information is organized by topics (e.g., local brain injury and stroke organizations, referral rehab services and housing options to name only a few) and includes a mapping function to assist with navigation. The list includes services (places where people can go, programs they can attend or services they can access). There are also “Learn”, “FAQ” and “video” sections that include helpful information and resources, details about upcoming events, and survivors speaking about their journeys of recovery.more info

Address / Contact Info
BC Brain Injury Society
℅ Sea to Sky Meeting Management Inc., Suite 206, 201 Bewicke Avenue
, North Vancouver, BC , BC, V7M 3M7
Web Links Website