Cheryl DiMarco
Registered Massage Therapy Services.more info
Child Care Resource and Referral
The Child Care Resource and Referral Program provides services for children, parents and child care providers. We do programming for children, link parents with services and provide training for child care providers.more info
Children Who Witness Abuse
A counsellor on staff offers one-on-one, group and family group counselling, and assistance to children and youth between the ages of 3 and 18 who have witnessed domestic violence.more info
Chiropractic Manipulative Therapy, Interferential Current Therapy, Therapeutic Ultrasound, Prescription Orthotics and Infrared Sauna Therapymore info
Chiwid Transition House
A 16 bed unit which provides a haven for women and their children who have been physically, sexually, and/or emotionally abused. The Transition House provides counselling, education and support for women and children in such programs as: In-house group meetings, one-to-one counselling sessions with a contracted therapist. Chiwid also offers educational presentations/workshops on domestic violence as part of its community outreach program.more info
CMHA Activity / Clubhouse Program
Canadian Mental Health South Cariboo is an autonomous, non-profit, charitable organization with ethical and legal responsibilities to the National and BC Divisions of CMHA. Our mandate emphasizes the importance of people with lived experience of mental illness being involved in the delivery of service and governance wherever possible.more info
Community Based Victim Services
Provides Justice related services to victims of family and sexual violence including: Adult victims of violence in relationship: Sexual harassment Criminal Harassment (stalking) Survivors of childhood physical and sexual abuse Child and youth victims of physical and sexual abuse Provide services to persons who may or may not of reported an offence to the RCMP. Some of these services I provide may include: Information and referrals to community professionals (i.e., Income Assistance; Counseling Services; Axis Center Outreach Worker; child care worker via CDC) Information on Basic Court process; Court accompaniment; Court orientation; witness orientation Liaison with RCMP; Crown Counsel and Probation Officer Short-term emotional support Assistance completing the Victim Impact Statements and assistance for applying for Crime Victim Assistance Information on Victim of Crime Act and basic victim rights Information about bail conditions; probation orders; parole and other court orders Education on the cycle of violence, indicators of violence, safety planning for individuals and children. Residential Silent Alarm and Cell Phone Program to assist persons at risk – it is mandatory if a police report has been filed with the RCMP.more info
Community Education & Prevention
The Boys and Girls Club of Williams Lake and District is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing high quality programs and services to the youth and families of Williams Lake. Through a range of social, recreation, education programs and outreach services covering young people between the ages of 7-18, we help young people learn the skills they need to grow into happy, healthy, productive adults.more info
Community Response Network (CRN)
An affiliate with the BC Community Response Network concerning vulnerable adults. We focus on education and awareness of adult abuse, neglect and self neglect.more info
Counselling Services
Cariboo Family Enrichment Centre(CFEC) offers counselling services that benefit individulas and families. We provide our community with services that help with difficult periods in peoples' lives and promote emotional well-being. Clients may be referred to CFEC by professionals from other agencies, or they may self-refer.more info