Community Health and Social Service Programs
Income Assistance - Immediate Needs Process
The 3 week waiting period before getting an appointment to apply for income assistance may be waived under certain circumstances that would cause the person, or the person's family, undue hardship.more info
Income Assistance - Persistent Multiple Barriers to Employment: (PPMB)
Income Assistance - Persons with Disabilities
Income Assistance - Regular
Regular, temporary income assistance is available to persons who, for a variety of reasons, are unemployed and have few financial resources, but who are capable of eventual financial independence through employment.more info
Independent Respiratory
If you or your physician suspect you have Sleep Apnea. Independent Respiratory Services, can help you improve your health and quality of sleep. Our mission is to provide our clients with the highest standard of healthcare. Honesty and Integrity are the foundations of our company and our success is reflected in our clients satisfaction. more info
Our mission is to provide the best supportive cancer care possible for people living with a diagnosis of cancer.more info
Intake - 100 Mile House
Intake - Williams Lake
Provides service to clients from Tatla Lake, Alexis Creek.more info
Intake - Anahim Lake
Provides service to clients from Tatla Lake.more info
Integrated Health Promotion
Tobacco Reduction, Health Equity, Injury Prevention, and Nutrition Population Health Programs. Contact your local Public Health office / Health Centre for information.more info