Health (131) Low Income / Support (41) Social Services (12) Mental Health / Counselling (84) Substance Use / Addictions (27) Condition Specific Info / Support (65) Youth (7) First Nations (22) Family Life (40) Health Services (75) Abuse / Neglect (9) Education / Employment / Development (8)  
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Accessibility Features: Near Transit

Cariboo Orthotics

Pedorthic services including: custom orthotics, custom knee and ankle braces, off the shelf braces and insoles, sports medicine products, compression stockings, shoe modifications, custom shoes, leg length discrepancies, footwear education, video gait analysis, custom casting, diabetic offloading insoles etc. more info

Address / Contact Info
Health Care Services, Orthotics and Bracing
94 1st Ave N
, Wiliams Lake, BC, V2G 1Y6
Store number: (778) 412-9833
Fax line: (778) 412-9832
Web Links Website Email

Denisiqi Services Society

Denisiqi Services Society is based on the philosophy of families helping each other within the community. We as Aboriginal people are responsible for our future, and that means it is important for our children to have a safe, caring, and loving environment. GOALS of Denisiqi: Deliver community-based, culturally appropriate child and family programs to the ʔEsdilagh, Xeni Gwet’in, Tsi Deldel, Yunesit’in, Tl’esqox and Ulkatchot’en. Deliver services from a prevention support and intervention orientation. Provide services with a view of keeping families together. Promote and facilitate healing. Promote and facilitate the holistic renewal and growth of the Tsilhqot’in and Ulkatchot’en Culture and Tradition and create a safe entry point for healing more info

Address / Contact Info
240B North Mackenzie Avenue
, Williams Lake , BC, V2G-1N6
Phone: (250) 392-6500
Toll-free (TTY): 1-877-251-6566
Phone number (after hours): 1-877-251-6566
Fax: (250) 392-6501
Web Links Website Email

Dr. Mohamed Arruj, Internist

more info

Address / Contact Info
Cariboo Medical Centre, 402 Borland Street
, Williams Lake, BC, V2G 1R7
Phone: (250) 392-7221
Fax: (250) 392-7473
Features Accessible

Dr. Sean Harmse, Internist

more info

Address / Contact Info
Cariboo Medical Clinic, 402 Borland Street
, Williams Lake, BC, V2G 1R7
Phone: (250) 392-7221
Fax: (250) 392-7473
Features Accessible

Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre

The BC Children’s Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre provides mental health and substance use information and resources, assistance navigating the mental health system, as well as free personalized support from parent peer support workers. Services are available to families across BC and Yukon with children and youth up to age 24, by phone, email, virtual meeting, and in person at The Kelty Centre. Many online resources, educational events and webinars are also available for parents and caregivers, and school professionals. more info

Address / Contact Info
Provincial Health Services Authority
BC Children's Hospital, Mental Health Building #85, Room P3-302 - 4500 Oak Street
, Vancouver, BC, V6H 3N1
Toll-free: 1-800-665-1822
Phone: (604) 875-2084
Web Links Website Email
Features Accessible