Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre

The BC Children’s Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre provides mental health and substance use information and resources, assistance navigating the mental health system, as well as free personalized support from parent peer support workers. Services are available to families across BC and Yukon with children and youth up to age 24, by phone, email, virtual meeting, and in person at The Kelty Centre. Many online resources, educational events and webinars are also available for parents and caregivers, and school professionals. 


Kelty Mental Health offers:

Address / Contact Info

Provincial Health Services Authority
BC Children's Hospital, Mental Health Building #85 Room P3-302 - 4500 Oak Street Vancouver, BCV6H 3N1

Phone Numbers

Toll-free: 1-800-665-1822
Phone: (604) 875-2084

Hours of Operation

Regular hours: 9:30am-5pm Monday to Friday

Web Links


Can I bring my child?:



Connect on Social Media

Location Map

This program was last updated on: 08 May 2023.