Substance Use / Addictions
Harm Reduction Supplies Distribution - 100 Mile House
Also serving area communities.more info
Harm Reduction Supplies Distribution - Williams Lake
Also serving area communities.more info
Narcotics Anonymous Williams Lake
Members learn from one another how to live drug-free.more info
Nenqayni Wellness Centre
Nenqayni Wellness Centre is an 8-week Family Alcohol and Drug Residential Program. We also have a 4-month female only Youth Program. As well as an Mobile Treatment Program which serves the 15 bands in the Williams Lake and Quesnel areas. Clients for the programs are accepted from across Canada and should have a status number.more info
Residential Substance Use Treatment Programs in BC
Short TermIn-patient programs which offer intensive counselling designed for clients ready to make significant changes to their substance use patterns in a safe, alcohol and drug free environment.more info
Salvation Army Counselling and Addictions
The program seeks to identify and promote the prevention, resolutions and alleviation of addiction. This is done through the exploration of ones life areas such as: physical health, spiritual health, mental health, economical/financial, relationships, career, education, legal and leisure activities.more info
Substance Use - Adult Outpatient Services - 100 Mile House
Substance Use - Adult Outpatient Services - Williams Lake
Provides service to clients from Tatla Lake, Alexis Creek.more info
Substance Use - Adult Outpatient Services
Substance Use - Adult Outpatient Services - Anahim Lake
Provides service to clients from Tatla Lakemore info